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Hi, I'm Laura Southall

I'm a Life Coach + Mind & Body Expert, working with high achieving women to feel confident, aligned & in love with life, so they can thrive @ work & home. By helping them recharge their minds + go from burnout to peaceful awareness, using self discovery, mindset shifting, motivation + authenticity.

I help women breakthrough their time and energy plateaus, + move into patterns of life that’s truly aligned to their vision + values. Giving them the freedom to be their authentic self at work, home and play.

 Intentional living for balance seekers & over achievers find alignment through mind, body, & soul connection.


My Aligned Life | Intention Setting Ritual

Introducing your new favorite intention setting practice, the Aligned Intentions Ritual. I have crafted a transformative mini-course designed to ignite your journey towards living an aligned and intentional life.

Discover the power of setting intentions that align with your dreams, aspirations, and values, and learn how to manifest the life you desire.


Gain clarity, celebrate your uniqueness, and embrace a life filled with purpose and passion. By aligning your intentions with your dreams, you'll open yourself up to new opportunities, experience more joy, and find a deeper sense of purpose. This free mini-course is your gateway to creating a solid foundation for living purposefully and thriving in your own reality.


Are you ready to unlock your true potential and embark on this transformative journey?

Start Here


Ready for the next step...
Find your perfect Aligned Life Pathway

Let's embark on a transformative journey together, uncovering what ignites your soul, empowering your mind, and connecting you to a deeper sense of purpose. Unlock your full potential and embrace a profound transformation through the Aligned Life Pathway.

Unlock Your Empowered Path

Clarity Call

Ready to take the first step towards your transformation? Book your discovery call now and embark on a journey to unlock your inner power.


During this call, we'll explore your dreams, aspirations, and the challenges you're facing. Our personalized coaching can help you break free from limitations and find purpose.

Whether you seek clarity in your goals, balance in your busy life, or a deeper sense of purpose, this call is your gateway to empowerment. Schedule now and let's create a path to a future filled with limitless possibilities

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